The Sound of Color: Violet

Often determined by wavelength, some research indicates color is more accurately calculated by frequency, a measure of sound. If sound reverberates color, how can this influence your creative? Intense and steady, Kandinsky experienced violet as a bagpipe or English horn. Purple is reportedly heard as a minor key. Its sound can be considered discreet and…

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The Sound of Color: Red

Often determined by wavelength, some research indicates color is more accurately calculated by frequency, a measure of sound. If sound reverberates color, how can this influence your creative? Red has the lowest frequency of the colors. Experienced as a loud trombone, saturated red tones are powerful and low. ‘Pink Noise’ makes use of these comforting rumbles,…

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The Sound of Color: Yellow

Often determined by wavelength, some research indicates color is more accurately calculated by frequency, a measure of sound. If sound reverberates color, how can this influence your creative? Sir Isaac Newton is first credited with correlating yellow with the note “E”. Striking a major key like a trumpet, yellow can be heard as grand fanfare or a…

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The Sound of Color: Orange

Often determined by wavelength, some research indicates color is more accurately calculated by frequency, a measure of sound. If sound reverberates color, how can this influence your creative? Orange is likened to the sound of a baritone bell or even a viola. It has a strong, but warm sound and imbues the surrounding world with…

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The Sound of Color: Green

Often determined by wavelength, some research indicates color is more accurately calculated by frequency, a measure of sound. If sound reverberates color, how can this influence your creative? According to renown artist Wassily Kandinsky, green sounds like the deep tones of a violin. Generally not perceived as a ‘loud’ or brash color, most shades of…

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The Sound of Color: Blue

Most often, color is considered by wavelength. However some research indicates color can be more accurately calculated by frequency, a measure of sound. This begs the question: Does sound reverberate color in the way light reflects color? And if so, how can this influence your creative? Researchers have documented loud noises, strong odors and even…

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Color EQ: Horror

Beyond prowling camera angles and imposing silence, horror has a distinct hue. Red. The main title for Dark Tales with Don Wildman howls with psychedelic scarlet. Filled with connotations of danger and violence, red is the color of blood, fire, and emergency. Its long wavelength seizes attention and increases heart rate. It floods the body…

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Color EQ: Fear

Our trailer for Trafficked accentuates the isolation and the unknown. Shrouded in shadows, black breeds fear. The color black is intimidating.  Arresting with authority.  Known as the power of darkness it may more aptly be considered darkness assuming power. Absorbing all light, black projects a barrier between itself and the world.  People naturally retract in…

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Color EQ: Determination

Navy blue anchors our main title for Discovery’s Deadliest Catch. With strong associations to both power and survival this deeper blue perfectly colors determination. Navy is synonymous with confidence, a backbone for crab fishermen. Nearing the hue of icy Alaskan waters, navy sets ambitions high and then collects. It projects fortitude, strength and courage. Vivid…

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Color EQ: Nostalgia

Rounding up the golden days of yesteryear is Fivestone’s title sequence for Season 10 of Alaska The Last Frontier.  A brilliant fusion of yellow and brown, gold is flush with nostalgia. Reflections of the Kilcher’s past illuminate a warm, prosperous future.  A longtime symbol of both material and intellectual wealth, golden hues highlight the family’s…

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