Design Trends 2022: NEON

From top TV Series to Super Bowl commercials, neon keeps trending. The intensity of neon parallels our fast-paced, tech-saturated lifestyle. Its mood sizzles bolder, brighter, and edgier, adding both color and light to a space. It is the ultimate call-to-action, and as such needs little else to provide explosive recognition. Neon is at its most modern applied…

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The Sound of Color: Violet

Often determined by wavelength, some research indicates color is more accurately calculated by frequency, a measure of sound. If sound reverberates color, how can this influence your creative? Intense and steady, Kandinsky experienced violet as a bagpipe or English horn. Purple is reportedly heard as a minor key. Its sound can be considered discreet and…

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The Sound of Color: Red

Often determined by wavelength, some research indicates color is more accurately calculated by frequency, a measure of sound. If sound reverberates color, how can this influence your creative? Red has the lowest frequency of the colors. Experienced as a loud trombone, saturated red tones are powerful and low. ‘Pink Noise’ makes use of these comforting rumbles,…

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