Color EQ: Yellow
The most visible of all colors: Yellow. It is immediately attention grabbing, but can fatigue eyes due to high light reflection. Energizing, some studies conclude yellow boosts metabolism. It is also believed to influence the left brain which aids analytical thinking. Beyond the physical effects of color, yellow brings a host of emotion to creative concepts.
Our animations for Raising Wild, wield the inspirational shades of yellow. Luminesce gold highlights progress on the homestead, where projects are first drafted in amber, then emboldened to bright sunshine hues as they animate. The mood and models are optimistic with the freshness of dandelion and clarity of flax. Life in the wild requires intellect, energy, and hope – traits all personified in yellow.
In direct contrast is Fivestone’s main title for Badlands: Texas. Here the color is unstable and disturbing. Shadowing ochres and a sepia figure cast a net of danger and dread. Uncertainty and isolation wear tarnished crowns in this dijon desert.
New Business:
Emily Bertrand
Client Relations
Brent Quinones
Co-Owner, Executive Producer
4100 W. Alameda Ave, 3rd Floor
Burbank, CA 91505