Homes for the Homeless
We love Los Angeles, but it’s impossible not to notice that we have a problem on our hands. In LA County alone, almost 60,000 people will be homeless tonight with nowhere to go and nothing to eat. However, thanks to our friends at the Union Rescue Mission, thousands in need have a place to go that provides food, shelter, education, and hope all year round. We stand with them in their efforts to end homelessness in Los Angeles. In addition to contributions, we have supplied Union Rescue Mission two EDARs (mobile beds), which means two more people have a safe place to sleep every night. Together we can prove that Los Angeles really is the City of Angels.
Image courtesy of RawPixel.
New Business:
Emily Bertrand
Client Relations
Brent Quinones
Co-Owner, Executive Producer
4100 W. Alameda Ave, 3rd Floor
Burbank, CA 91505