Design Trends 2022: NEON
From top TV Series to Super Bowl commercials, neon keeps trending.
The intensity of neon parallels our fast-paced, tech-saturated lifestyle. Its mood sizzles bolder, brighter, and edgier, adding both color and light to a space. It is the ultimate call-to-action, and as such needs little else to provide explosive recognition. Neon is at its most modern applied minimally: as a wash, a background or a font. Controlled command allows the brand messaging to grab center stage.
Fivestone’s main title for Vampires in America betrays the restless energy surrounding the search for modern day vampires. The neon type strikes out from the dark backdrop. The title’s glare revealing an unexpected feature on an all too near figure. Let neon draw you in with Vampires in America streaming now on Travel Channel.
New Business:
Emily Bertrand
Client Relations
Brent Quinones
Co-Owner, Executive Producer
4100 W. Alameda Ave, 3rd Floor
Burbank, CA 91505