Color EQ: Indigo
Vibrant indigo elevates feelings of serenity and safety. An over-abundance of the hue can countersway, becoming aloof, lonesome, or fragile. Equally favored by men and women, blue interiors can increase the time shoppers spend in a store, and blue lighting is shown to reduce heart rate, street crime, and suicide. This color is as dynamic as it is compelling.
Fivestone’s main title for Discovery Live: Into the Blue Hole is awash with ultramarine and cerulean. Indigo imparts a calm lucidity over the mystery 412 feet below. Expansive depths and imagination are buoyed by the confidence and faith of true blue.
The title bumper for Discovery Channel’s Deadliest Catch is shadows of indigo. Hues of admiral and denim near obstinance with the tenacity and grit of the crew’s aim. Grappling for success and shelter atop the icy sea, blue is unshakable.
View the wild blue yonder securely with Discovery Live: Into the Blue Hole offered on Amazon Prime and Season 17 of Deadliest Catch premiering April 20th on Discovery Channel.
New Business:
Emily Bertrand
Client Relations
Brent Quinones
Co-Owner, Executive Producer
4100 W. Alameda Ave, 3rd Floor
Burbank, CA 91505