Color EQ: Anxiety

Research dating from the 1930s and on demonstrate the influence of color on the endocrine system, which curates mood. Fivestone’s concept and animation for Buried Worlds With Don Wildman hosts imminent apprehension alongside uncharted fear. In one word: Anxiety.

The wavelength of yellow is long and stimulating. This heightened emotional stimulus affords yellow a notably strong impact on the subconscious. Muddied with black, it presents as near olive. Too much yellow or a sullied shade can give rise to fear and anxiety as it does here. The unknown is cloaked in inky crevasses and grainy gold shadows. The truth, further concealed by its Rorschach presentation, may be better left uncovered.

Stream Travel Channel’s Buried Worlds With Don Wildman now on Discovery+.


Get in Touch

New Business:
Emily Bertrand
Client Relations

Brent Quinones
Co-Owner, Executive Producer


4100 W. Alameda Ave, 3rd Floor
Burbank, CA 91505

Studio Line
